May Day 2021 - Family Day
The Labour Day March finished at the Australian Workers Heritage Centre where parade participants and visitors were then invited to enjoy the Free Family Day Celebrations hosted on the Workers Heritage Centre's site.
Browse through our photo gallery from the May Day Family Day held at the Australian Workers Heritage Centre.
Photos are courtesy of Trevor Howie and Aaron Skinn of Skinn Deep Photography.
We were honoured to host the Premier and Cabinet Ministers at the family celebrations following the Labour Day Parade. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk addressed the large crowd from the deck overlooking the billabong. The Premier was joined by Treasurer the Hon. Cameron Dick, the Hon. Minister Hinchliffe, the Hon Yvette D'Ath, the Hon Grace Grace, MP, the Hon. Mark Bailey, MP, and the Hon. Michael de Brenni, MP who mingled with locals and visitors and enjoyed the celebrations and family fun festivities. All were treated to a free BBQ lunch and refreshments. Competiveness and athleticism came to the forefront with both the young and young at heart joining in the sports and games on offer as well as a trivia quiz centred around the exhibits and displays onsite at the Workers Heritage Centre.